Catherine Zimmerman is available for speaking engagements for conferences and organization meetings. If you are hosting a screening event she can  attend to do a meet and greet, introduce the film, lead a Q & A session or be part of a panel discussion following the screening. Contact


Friday May. 19, 2023 6:00PM

Native Plants and Meadows in All Places

The town of Hilldboro and the Hillsboro Preservation Foundation hosts Catherine Zimmerman at their monthly Eat, Drink and be Literary event. Catherine will do a presentation on creating biodiversity and making natural landscapes the new norm.  Clips from her film Hometown Habitat will be included.  A discussion and book signing of Urban and Suburban Meadows will follow her presentation.

Old Stone School, 37098 Charles Town Pike, Hillsboro, VA 20132
Wednesday Jul. 31, 2024 10:30 am

Habitat Heroes, Making Natural Landscaping the New Landscaping Norm

Lakeside Chautauqua welcomes Catherine Zimmerman for their Lakeside Gardening Experience series.  Before manicured lawns, with chemicals, mowers and blowers, there were ecological meadows with butterflies, birds and bees. In this lecture, Catherine looks at the growing movement to reduce over 48 million acres of thirsty, pesticide ridden and energy consuming lawns. Included are clips from her film, “Hometown Habitat,” which makes the connection that planting diversity building native plants, is at the core of reclaiming critical habitat for wildlife.

Orchestra Hall Theater, 236 Walnut Ave Lakeside-Marblehead, OH 43440
Tuesday Jul. 30, 2024 1:30 pm

Environmental Lecture Series: Natural Landscaping- Meadowscaping in Urban & Suburban Spaces

Come and learn how to create a sustainable landscape with Catherine Zimmerman, author of Urban & Suburban Meadows, Bringing Meadowscaping to Big and Small Spaces. Meadows provide a range of benefits including food for birds and wildlife, habitat for pollinators, increased water filtration, better carbon sequestration and lower maintenance costs. Catherine will provide both the inspiration and multiple, organic methods to create a meadowscape on your property.  The presentation will cover meadow site preparation, design, planting and maintenance. Walk away with sample native plant lists for dry, mesic (average) and wet locations to create your own, living landscape design.  No space is too small! Join the movement to bring back native habitat for wildlife and human life!  Catherine will be avaiable for a book signing after the talk.


Saturday Apr. 2, 2022 10:00 am

Growing Green Conference: Wildlife Habitat Certification

Learn how to certify your yard, business, school or congregation through the National Wildlife Federation Garden for Wildlife programs.  At 1:00 pm Catherine will discuss how to provide pollinator food succession in your garden.  Let’s make sure they have plenty to eat!

Agraria Center for Regenerative Practices, 131 E Dayton Yellow Springs Rd, Yellow Springs, OH 45387
Saturday May. 7, 2022 2:30-3:30 pm

Brentwood Library Meadow Project Talk “Seed Saturdays”

Catherine Zimmerman, founder of The Meadow Project, will discuss her film Hometown Habitat, a 90-minute environmental, education documentary focused on showing how and why native plants are critical to the survival and vitality of local ecosystems, and how we can save nature in our own backyards. Virtual event.

Tuesday Mar. 7, 2023 10:30am

Garden for Wildlife!

The Garden Club, Tipp City Library and Tipp Monroe Community Services offers a presentation by filmmaker, author and sustainable landscape designer Catherine Zimmerman on the how and why to certify your property as a National Wildlife Federation Wildlife Habitat. The program will be held in the library’s meeting room in the basement. The 45 minute presentation will be followed by 15 minutes of Q & A. Catherine’s book Urban & Suburban Meadows and DVD’s of her films will be available for sale next door at Tipp Monroe Community Services after the program. Please join us and learn how to garden for wildlife!

Tipp City Public Library, 11 E. Main St, Tipp City, Ohio