California Naturalist Program

The UC California Naturalist Program is designed to introduce Californians to the wonders of our unique ecology and engage the public in study and stewardship of California’s natural communities. The California Naturalist program uses a science curriculum, hands-on learning, problem-solving, and community service to instill a deep appreciation for the natural communities of the state and to inspire individuals to become stewards of their local resources.

California Native Plant Society

California Native Plant Society–dedicated to the conservation of California native plants and their natural habitats, and to increasing the understanding, appreciation, and horticultural use of native plants. There are many chapters.

California Native Garden Foundation

California Native Garden Foundation, San Jose, CA–a non-profit educational, research, and resource organization that promotes gardening with California native plants, our goal is to increase the popularity and use of California’s native plants in the designed landscape. We are devoted to educating the public and design community on the value of native gardens. Classes, field trips, lectures, garden tours, and publications are available to members, landscape professionals, and the public. Follow on Facebook.