Earth Tones Native Plants

Earth Tones Native Plants, Woodbury, CT- Our nursery grows and sells several hundred species, herbaceous and woody, all propagated from wild collected seed of native plants in our region. From wetlands to woodlands we have the plants that will enhance your garden and property. Open 6 days per week during the growing season (closed Mondays.) This is one of the largest of the small nurseries, a trek from Massachusetts, but worth it! They grow and sell several hundred species, herbaceous and woody, all propagated from wild collected seed. Contact.

Checkerspot Farm

Checkerspot Farm, Colrain, MA- Exclusively native. Open weekends from June to October, or by appointment. Located on an old farmstead, this small nursery offers around 80 species of seed grown plants, primarily wildflowers and grasses. Contact.

Butterfly Effect Farm

Butterfly Effect Farm, Westport, MA- We are a native plant nursery that grows & sells plants that serve an ecological purpose & have positive effects on the environment.  Our  focus is on native, seed grown, keystone & pollinator plants that serve as habitats, host plants, food, nesting material and nectar & pollinator sources for insects and wildlife.  We never use any neonicotinoids or dangerous synthetic chemicals, pesticides or herbicides.