Ozark Soul Native Plants

Ozark Soul Native Plants, MO- regional native plant producer, operations in rural, south-central Missouri. We grow annuals, perennials, trees, shrubs and vines that are native to the Lower-Midwest/Ozarks region. We are passionate about the use of native plants in all gardens and landscapes. We celebrate and promote their ecological function as well as their aesthetic beauty. We are a traveling retailer bringing pre-orders and a shopable inventory to a community near you! We do NOT have a retail store at our nursery. Contact email.

Midwest Natives Nursery

Midwest Natives Nursery, Lincoln, NE- We are a production and retail greenhouse operation that specializes in the sustainable cultivation of Great Plains-native perennial wildflowers and grasses, all grown locally and pesticide-free. Our goal is to make it as easy as possible for homeowners to add native plants to their landscapes so that we can all contribute toward protecting and promoting pollinators and wildlife in our own backyards.  Contact email.

Happy Apple’s Farm

Happy Apple’s Farm, Tonganoxie, KS- We grow and sell plants that are native to North America and naturally adapted to our region. The gardens around our home display most of the native plants we grow to help our customers understand how these beautiful plants perform in home landscapes.